Thursday, 27 June 2013

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Day 119 - Ready to tile garage roof

Roof trusses have been built, tiles delivered, scaffold erected - only thing missing is someone to place the tiles on the roof - hopefully tomorrow.

Quad has been nailed to the eaves, and work has commenced on connecting the downpipes to the roof.  Lockup must be close

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Day 116 - Upstairs Hebel Rendering completed

One day blue board

the next its rendered with the Hebel.
 Progress is has been good, Hebel is all done and the rendering will be done sporadically until complete, starting at the balcony and working forward and down as other construction completes

Monday, 17 June 2013

Day 110 - Hebel largely installed around the house

Before-  looking north-west

After - looking south-west
The outside is almost complete.  The steel posts on the balcony have now disappeared, as it becomes hebel. I suspect it will all be complete by tomorrow.

The chippy has installed all doors upstairs, and straightened all the joists - all is going well

Friday, 14 June 2013

Day 107 - Second Floor Hebel Progressing and nearly fully laid

The weather has been less than perfect, and the Hebel team have pushed on, and have almost fully laid the external walls.

It has been 8 months since I first visited a Carter Grange display, and only 4 months since our construction started.  We are a little behind my estimated progress plan, but nothing that can't be recovered.

No worthwhile pics to share, just a muddy site with scaffolds obscuring the external walls.

The chippy has been planing joists and installing ground floor doors, and the  pre-wiring seems complete.

Hopefully some nice progress and pics this week

Friday, 7 June 2013

Day 100 - Ready for top floor hebel

This week has seen a little work on the ducts, foil wrap completion on the top floor, some data cable laid and scaffold construction. Fresh hebel and blueboard has been delivered, just waiting for a crew to show up and install.  :-)
I have just been informed by both site managers that RH liked the job so much that he will replace DL for the rest of the build. They are both great, so it works for me.