Sunday, 14 April 2013

Day 46 - Framing continues

Framing continues at a great pace,  posi-struts divide the ground and first floor at the front of the house.

 and standard struts are used in the rear, we would have preferred posi-structs throughout for more flexibility, as we have a flat roof at the rear, but alas I didn't think it through and the option was not raised.
Half of the upstairs balcony built - with standard struts

First floor coming along nicely

This is the view from the stair cavity towards the front of the house, with the linen cupboard on the left and the bathroom on the right and the boys bedrooms on the left and right towards the front.
 and the view from the rear is not too bad


  1. Hi.
    That's a bit disconcerting that it's possible to specify the type of struts used. How would the average Joe know the difference between the posi and the standard? I would have assumed that there was one choice for a given situation used across all builders. Thanks for the post - will be looking closely at our struts when the first floor goes up.

    p.s. Nice view!

    1. There are choices, but at the build stage the builder will go the cheapest option to meet specification.
      Our desire to have a balcony at the rear, resulted in the house needing a flat roof at the back, which came at considerable cost, and meant the house was now a total custom build. However the custom design lacked allowance for ducting, which resulted in a 'oops' moment for the builder who raised a variation that naturely we needed to pay for.
      Posi-struts may not have been suitable at the rear, or may have just been more expensive - I don't know which as the builder won't comment beyond saying that's not what has been used. For us it will be a bit of an eyesore, with a 300mm (1 foot) drop in the ceiling in the rear of the house, but the ceiling will still be 3m high, just not the original 3.3m agreed. In hindsight I should have taken it back to design to ensure that it was the best solution rather than just a convenient fix. If I kneew more about the build process I would have raised the walls 300mm, if I couldn't use something like posi-structs, so as to avoid the unfortunate drop in ceiling height. hopefully others can learn from my stuff up!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for detailing your "stuff up". I've started at the beginning of your blog and am taking notes :)
    It appears I'll have lots of things to discuss prior to signing a contract.
